Oct 16, 2009

HUMMER | The Streets - Mike Skinner

Dear Mike, Sorry LA sucks. Yours truly, Mlle. Smell

Oct 15, 2009

Erected | Joshua Prince-Ramus

Stumbled across Rem Koolhaas protégé, Joshua Prince-Ramus while reading this NYTimes.com feature. Prince-Ramus is principal in charge of REX, formerly OMA NY.

You can cyberstalk him here.

30 YEARS of DIKFLIK | Elias Koteas

Elias Koteas as gold hearted skinhead, Duncan in 1987's Some Kind of Wonderful

Elias Koteas as gold hearted WWII Army Captain, Captain Staros in 1998's The Thin Red Line

Elias Koteas as non-gold hearted bad guy, Chuck Dooney in 2009's Defendor (release date?) Also in The Fourth Kind (releasing in November) possibly as a gold hearted something

Oct 13, 2009

DIKFLIK | The Departed on ION

Beating the s**t out of people = hot. Being charming = not as hot.
Never been a Dicaprio fan...in the "he should take his pants off" way, only in the" yeah, he's a decent actor" way, but put some age and muscle on that baby face guy and have him beat the crap out of people...
All those years wasted being boyish and charming, when he could have just grown some facial hair and punched other guys.
Apologies to Matt Damon for the sissy picture.